Sunday 20 April 2008

Streaming uk football through xbmc

Perhaps i'm late on the scene on this but it's a nice trick.

Ok, how to get uk football streamed to your xbox. You need sopcast installed and running on a pc on your home network. You need a file on your xbox in a location where xbmc will see it. The file is a text file - i've named mine sopcast.m3u. Contents of the file are;

#EXTINF:- 1,http://:8902/tv.asf

Edit it for your pc's ip address obviously and if you're using a recent copy of sopcast the port should be correct. Older sopcast versions use 8900.

On the pc, find a stream to watch. For UK football you should be able to find a sopcast stream from; or

Once it's running on the PC, switch over to your xbox. Load up xbmc (you have got it installed as the dashboard right?) and add a source which points to the folder containing the m3u file. Click the sopcast.m3u and you're away.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

an update to fix the dropout problem.

Start your sopcast stream and load your m3u file on xbmc (or other equivalent stream file)
then click "menu" on the remote and select "Video Settings" (the option just underneath the big pause in the middle", go right down to the bottom and select "No Cache".